Belgian Amiga Club

Retro Event Calendar - Past Events

Previous events in the area around vintage computing or retro gaming:

6 to 7 may 2023Retro Game convention KALKENKalken
18 to 21 may 2023Outline 2023 DemopartyOmmen
2 to 4 jun 2023X23 - Commodore 64 demopartySomeren
4 jun 2023GameWalhalla Retro gaming BeursPutte
11 jun 2023Game Markt Noord-NederlandHeerenveen
17 jun 2023HCC Commodore clubdagMaarssen
24 to 25 jun 2023Dutch Comic ConUtrecht
24 jun 2023Vintage Star Wars MeetAalter
19 aug 2023HCC Commodore clubdagMaarssen
23 to 27 aug 2023GamesComCologne
27 aug 2023Retro Game Beurs - TilburgTilburg
16 sep 2023DemoScene Unesco Inaugeration PartyHelmond
23 sep 2023Vintage Toys of the Universe - Chapter IIIVosselaar
24 sep 2023Retro Games & Collectibles of the UniverseVosselaar
30 sep 2023Belgian Amiga Club MeetingAntwerpen
7 oct 2023Amiga38Mönchengladbach
8 oct 2023Vintage Tech Fair - EindhovenEindhoven
14 to 15 oct 2023Comic Con HollandAmsterdam
14 to 15 oct 2023RetroLudix FestivalEdingen
21 to 22 oct 2023Facts - FallGent
21 oct 2023HCC Commodore ClubdagMaarssen
29 oct 2023Gaming Universe Retro BeursHengelo
4 to 5 nov 2023Comic Con BrusselsBrussels
5 nov 2023Bourse Rétrogaming IXDour
12 nov 2023Retro Tech FairPuurs
18 to 19 nov 2023Dutch Comic ConUtrecht
19 nov 2023World of Retro Gaming - BeursStevoort
25 nov 2023Transmission 64 - c64 demo partyOnline
9 dec 2023MSX GOTO40Amsterdam
9 dec 2023Commodore Users EuropeOnline
16 dec 2023HCC Commodore ClubdagMaarssen
5 to 6 jan 2024RSyncLeuven
4 to 4 feb 2024FOSDEM retrocomputingBrussel
17 feb 2024GlitchMania 2024Herzele
17 feb 2024HCC Clubdag met soldeer workshopMaarssen
24 feb 2024Devcon24 - Amiga Developers ConfOnline
9 mar 2024Commodure Users EuropeOnline
29 to 1 apr 2024Revision DemopartySaarbrücken
6 to 7 apr 2024FACTS - Belgian Comic ConGent
20 to 21 apr 2024Comic Con Holland's-Hertogenbosch
20 apr 2024HCC Commodore clubdagMaarssen
27 to 28 apr 2024Pixel Days 2024Sambrexpo · Aiseau-Presles
9 to 12 may 2024Outline 2024 DemopartyOmmen
11 to 12 may 2024Comic Con BrusselsBrussel
15 jun 2024HCC Commodore ClubdagMaarssen
21 to 23 jun 2024Dutch Comic ConUtrecht
17 aug 2024HCC ClubdagMaarssen
21 to 25 aug 2024GamesCom - CologneKeulen
25 aug 2024Retro Game Beurs TilburgTilburg
15 sep 2024Bourse RétrogamingDour
21 sep 2024RetroGame Markt @ HiroShopHeusden
21 sep 2024Belgian Amiga Club MeetingAntwerpen
28 to 29 sep 2024HackFestEnschede
29 sep 2024Retro Gaming WorldKortenberg
12 to 13 oct 2024Comic Con HollandAmsterdam
19 oct 2024HCC ClubdagMaarssen
19 oct 2024Vintage toys of the universe IVGeel
20 oct 2024Games & collectibles of the universe 3.0Geel
26 to 27 oct 2024Comic Con BrusselsBrussel
27 oct 2024Gaming Universe Retro BeursHengelo
2 to 3 nov 2024Facts FallGent
23 to 24 nov 2024Dutch Comic ConUtrecht
23 nov 2024Transmission 64 DemopartyOnline
14 dec 2024Commodore Users Europe GroupOnline
15 dec 2024Retro game beurs kalkenKalken
21 dec 2024HCC KerstClubDagMaarssen
10 to 11 jan 2025RSync DemoPartyLeuven
1 to 2 feb 2025Fosdem RetroComputingBrussel
8 feb 2025GlitchMania 2025Herzele
15 feb 2025HCC Clubdag - soldeerworkshopMaarssen
9 to 9 mar 2025Retro Gaming Beurs East BelgiumVerviers

Also check the upcoming events